Brain drain:Can you read as well as a ten-year-old?—经济学人
2024-12-22 09:29  浏览:360  搜索引擎搜索“早勤网”
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副标题:Adults in rich countries are less literate than they were a decade ago. That requires attention主要说在富裕国家成年人数学和阅读能力不如小学生,并建议政府应该改善儿童课程和成人教育系统来应对

研究发现成年人在数学和阅读方面不比小学生好:Data released on December 10th by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries......The latest tests were carried out in 31 rich countries......They suggest that a fifth of adults do no better in maths and reading than might be expected of a primary school child大人不如小孩系列

这样可能的原因:人口变化New immigrants often struggle with a new language. The native-born have ageing brains.社交媒体削弱敏锐度. Some speculate that Netflix, video games and social media are sapping acuity. 教育和培训系统失败It is just as likely that education and training systems have misfired.竟然没有提到短视频影响???

导致技能最高和最低人之间差距拉大:In many countries the gap in ability between the highest- and lowest-skilled grown-ups is widening (not because smarty-pants are doing better, but because the least able are doing worse).这个也很反直觉,那就是有些人保持自己不提升,结果在社会上也是顶尖的存在,因为下面没有追赶上来的人,而是都掉队了

怎么办?改善儿童课程Improving lessons for children is the surest way of creating more capable grown-ups; governments ought to start there.改善成人教育系统These hand dropouts second chances; they also serve people who change careers and help migrants integrate.

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